Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day Two of the Simple Sewing for Baby Book Review

Day Two of the Simple Sewing for Baby Book Review

Our next project is from Jansdotter’s chapter entitled Going Out. Today we are going to start a project that will help you get your diaper bag organized. We’re going to make Velcro pouches. They are great for storing all the small things you have bouncing around in your diaper bag. Now you’ll have a place to store all your binkies, pacifier clips, diapers, etc. You’ll finally be able to ditch all those ziplock plastic baggies you’re currently using to keep stuff in. That’s right, we all do that!

These Velcro pouches are super quick and easy to make. And like I said before, they can be used to hold all your little one’s doodads. They are easy to get in and out of. And let’s face it, every second counts when a baby is involved. Once you know how to put them together, it is easy for you to adjust the sizing of the pouches to fit all of your storage needs. And of course, this is another project that enables you to use up some of your extra fabric scraps. With this project, we’ll be making a set of two Velcro pouches; one large and one small. So let’s get started.

Materials needed:

-1/3 yard of fabric for the small pouch

-1/3 yard of fabric for the large pouch

-12” of (1/2” wide Velcro)

-Matching thread

We will begin by cutting our fabric.

For the small pouch, cut one piece of fabric that is 8” x 18.”’

For the large pouch, cut one piece of fabric that is 11” x 24

Next cut your Velcro into two pieces: One 5 ½” and the other 8 ½”

So let’s begin assembling your pouches. Start with the fabric for your small pouch. With the wrong side facing up, fold over one short edge of the fabric a ¼”. Press it flat with your iron. Then fold it over another ¼” and press flat with the iron. Repeat these steps with the fabric for the large pouch.

Now machine stitch along the edge of the fold on both pouches.

Back to the small pouch, with the right side facing up, measure down 2 ¼” from the top of the stitched seam. Mark a horizontal line across the pouch with a chalkline. For the large pouch, measure down 3 ¼” and mark a horizontal line. Take the soft side of the 5 ½” piece of Velcro and place it on top of the fabric. Center it and line the top edge of the Velcro up with the line you just drew. Pin it in place. Repeat these steps with the large pouch.

Next, machine stitch around the edges of the Velcro and backstitch at both ends.

Begin with your small pouch again. With the wrong side facing you, take the other short end and fold it over a ½” and press it flat with the iron. Fold it over again 1” and press again. Repeat these steps with the large pouch.

Now take your small pouch, unfold the hem that you just pressed. Take the rough side of your Velcro and center it in the 1” space of the pressed area. Pin it in place.

Repeat these steps with the large pouch. Next machine stitch the Velcro in place. Backstitch at both the beginning and end. Do this on both pouches.

Back to your small pouch. With the wrong side facing you, fold the pressed hem you’ve just attached the Velcro to back in place. Machine stitch the hem closed along the folded edge. Repeat these steps for the large pouch.

Lay your small pouch right side facing up and the I” hemmed seam at the top. Now measure 6” up from the bottom edge. Make a crease at this point and fold the bottom hem up towards the top. Pin it in place. For the large pouch, repeat these steps. Only, measure 9” up from the bottom edge. It should look like this:

Machine stitch a 1/2” seam along both sides of the pouch from the fold up to the top hem. Do the same with the large pouch.

Next, trim the seam allowance on both pouches to a ¼.” Then zigzag stitch along the raw edges to prevent fraying.

Almost done. Turn the pouches right side out. Smooth out your corners and press your pouches with an iron.

Place the small pouch in front of you opening side up. Fold the outer edges in a ¼” and press with the iron. Then fold over again another ¼” and press with the iron. Repeat with the large pouch.

Machine stitch along the edges of the fold, from the top of the pouch to the top of the opening. Repeat with the large pouch.

Now fold your top flap over so the Velcro pieces meet. Press the fold with the iron. Guess what….you’re finished! Now start stuffing your pouches with your doodads. You are officially organized!

Tomorrow we’ll be stepping up our game a little bit. We’re going to be making a changing pad for your diaper bag. Stay tuned……


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